Temparament of CIO

Sara is Deputy IT President and her temparament is described as case study to unerstnad criteria affecting
INTJs typically are imaginative and determined innovators who are stimulated by difficulties and attracted to bigger and bigger challenges. INTJ is also the most independent of all personality types.
INTJs and the Five Criteria for CIO Success
#1: Defining and communicating a shared IT vision, strategy and tactical objectives. Sara's intuitive orientation means that she has the insight to identify issues and patterns and the inspiration and imagination to define a better way. Unfortunately, her introverted nature means that she treats strategy-making as a solitary pursuit. Setting direction is a participative process; otherwise, the commitment necessary for action will be missing. To guard against her natural tendencies to go it alone, Sara must define a process that ensures participation of key stakeholders across the organization. She must then assign IT professionals who are intuitive extroverts (ENs, in the Myers-Briggs shorthand) as key resources in the effort.
#2: Delivering quality results on time and on budget. Sara's judgmental nature means she is comfortable with planning and making decisions and is determined to get things done. She is stimulated by difficulties and loves to solve problems. But since INTJs get bored with details and, at times, do not live in the world of "what is" (that is, facts), Sara needs to refine her thinking process. She must ensure that her project and operational leaders do not consist of people just like herself, or there is a good chance that her IT organization will not deliver on time or meet the needs of the business. These unlike-minded people will act as "sensors" to keep the project grounded in reality (but beware - too many sensors can limit project creativity or result in analysis paralysis).
#3: Helping the business realize value from IT investments. IT value is a dual challenge: first, governance needs to be established, and then business leaders need to be convinced that following the rules is in their best interest. Sara has no problem defining what mechanisms are necessary to promote value realization, but she does not inherently possess the gifts of persuasion to get the rest of the organization on board. To balance her strengths and shore up her weaknesses, she will need thinking extroverts (also known as ETs) on her staff who feel comfortable with the collaborative process of negotiation but who will not give in on key principles or avoid conflict just to make everybody happy.
#4: Fostering good relationships. Executives derail themselves if they are intimidating, abrasive, aloof or arrogant. Since Sara is more comfortable with ideas than with people, she tends to make decisions without considering the feelings of others. She often approaches situations with her mind made up and is surprised by the opposition that results. To be sure, quick-and-easy relationships will never be Sara's strong suit, but she needs to at least neutralize her natural tendencies by forcing herself to interact with others - even though, in her mind, there is no real purpose to it. She can force herself into business relationships by making it a project (for example, defining who she needs to talk with and scheduling regular interactions), improving her cocktail party conversational skills (by preplanning conversational topics and using reflective and active listening), and refining her negotiation skills (using principled rather than positional negotiating).
Once again, Sara can use her staff to bolster her weaknesses. In this case, she can ensure that her client-facing personnel include an adequate number of extroverts.
#5: Building and leading a credible IT organization. Executives also derail when they fail to staff correctly. Since introverted thinkers (ITs) like Sara connect to others through ideas rather than feelings, they don't get to know people on a human level. Therefore they have a tendency to appeal to the head and hands but not the heart. Sara's people are stimulated by her vision, clear direction and delegated authority, but they feel their personal needs are not necessarily understood. Their assignments may not be relevant to their career aspirations. For Sara, the answer is to carve out time to get to know others by asking questions about their goals, values and perceived strengths and weaknesses. Then she can apply her intuitive, thinking skills to define a development plan that will meet the needs of both individuals and the organization.
Each of you shares Sara's predicament, if with a different mix of personality tendencies. Every day, your talents and weaknesses fight each other for their chance in the spotlight. The extent to which you are filling your role with the necessary skills - yours or others' - defines how successful you are and how much you enjoy what you do.
Dust off your latest personality assessments and extract the insights necessary to become better than you really are. The MBTI® isn't the only assessment, nor are such tools the only method of learning your strengths and weaknesses. Make sure you work for a variety of bosses throughout your career. Sign up for the right kind of 360-degree assessment (see "An All-Around Waste of Time"), so that you are able to validate your progress.
Armed with self-knowledge and with their egos in check, executives like Sara - and you - can use every resource and tool to become better than they really are.
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